It’s Getting Harder to Qualify for Social Security Benefits in Retirement. Here’s the Reason Why To qualify for Social Security benefits, you need to accumulate 40 work credits in your lifetime. You can accrue a maximum of four credits per year. The value of a single work credit is rising in 2025, so part-time workers […]
Americans could see promised Social Security benefits cut
Americans could see promised Social Security benefits cut by 27% in just 10 years — 3 smart strategies for tapping into your benefits. Americans could see promised Social Security benefits cut by 27% in just 10 years — 3 smart strategies for tapping into your benefits Possible cuts of up to 27% to Social Security […]
Social Security benefits

Social Security Recipients Could Get a Massive 11% Raise Next Year Surging inflation could lead to the biggest boost to monthly Social Security benefits since 1981. The 2023 Social Security cost-of-living adjustment, or COLA, would be 10.8% if inflation continues at its current pace, according to a new prediction from the non-profit Committee for a […]
Take Social Security Now
Take Social Security Now. 3 Awful Reasons to Take Social Security at 67. Waiting to take your retirement benefits is often a smart move, but there are some situations where it doesn’t make sense. The Motley Fool by Dan Caplinger Many Social Security experts suggest waiting well beyond the earliest claiming age of 62 to […]
Delay Benefits
Delay Benefits. Reverse Mortgage Alabama. I found a great interpretation of what it means to delay taking social security benefits, and how it could help or hurt. Retiring Wise Blog. Finances. Sean Bryant is a freelance writer and owner of As you approach retirement age, there are a lot of aspects in your financial […]