Reverse Mortgage Process Everyone could use some extra cash, especially in retirement years. And while options for generating additional retirement income once seemed limited, reverse mortgages have provided today’s seniors with access to another source of wealth—their home equity. Designed for homeowners ages 62 and older, a Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM)—also known as a Reverse […]
Market crash by 30 percent
Market crash by 30 percent The S&P 500 will crash 30% by December as spending slumps, profits shrink, and banking problems mount, markets guru Larry McDonald warns He sees less government spending, slimmer corporate profits, and banking pressures as key drivers. The founder of “The Bear Traps Report” touts energy and metals as smart bets […]
Retire on House
Retire on House. Reverse Mortgage Alabama brings you a pros and cons approach from Forbes called “Should You Retire On Your House?”Forbes.Pension Research Council Many American households will face a significant retirement financing gap unless they save more, invest more efficiently, retire later, and/or distribute their retirement assets more efficiently. Yet the pain of such […]